Another Sunday Under Our Belts

Which went off as usual. I spent most of the day setting up as a Piwigo Gallery for Family to upload family pictures. Trying to get all the Old family pictures in one place. (There was some initial interest but I really don’t expect it to amount to much. Still, kinda fun to set it all up and get it working. Working correctly is a whole ‘nother matter!)


SWMBO took me to Taco Bell for our Date Day dinner yesterday. Then our usual stop at Walmart. What was unusual was we spent over $250! On what?!? We actually left with fewer bags than usual. Guess the plastic bins, medicine stuff, and Complete Addams Family DVD’s were the big ticket items.

Otherwise, not much going on. Still haven’t seen our Renter start to move her stuff out. She did contact me after I managed to get a text through to her. Seems she’s waiting for her tax return to pay me rent. Sure. And the tooth fairly is hanging about my bed just waiting. She threatened me saying she’s not going to pay rent if I Evict her (too late) and gave me orders NOT to go into the MILA again. Think I’m going to start legal proceedings Monday to get her out and then start the paperwork to take her to court for the rent/electric. Turns out everything her abusive ex-boyfriend said about her is coming true. Once she’s through with you …

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Anywho, Addams Family marathon going on while I rip the discs to convert to .mkv files. Uploading pictures to the new gallery and a video to YouTube. Made myself some soft serve and think I’ll settle down.

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