More Snow!

Started snowing around 1330 today and has been snowing since. Got another 4 inches or so so far. There’s a foot of snow on our deck railings!

2019-02-10 19.06.15

The lower part on the left is where I cleared to wood before 1300. This is at 1900 or so and you can see we’ve gotten about half of what we got day before yesterday. Oh Joy! I don’t think SWMBO is going to work any time soon.

Other than that just not a lot happening. The Dog and I do get out for walks occasionally (He IS a snow-dog!) but mostly we’re stuck inside. Ah well.

So I’ve been flying around in X-Plane. Landed the shuttle. Not where it was supposed to land, but I landed it. Hope Chicago O’Hare didn’t mind too much!


Starting to worry about my Renter. She’s a month late on electric and hasn’t paid the rent for this month yet. Haven’t been able to get hold of her in the text thingie I use. Can’t use Messenger for another 6 or 7 days (since I got time-outed again). Hope she’s safe.

Hey! Looks like the snow stopped! Cool!

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