And the outlook is not good. Think I’ll stay indoors for awhile. (MJ (in the morning on Q13) & Steve (in the afternoon on KOMO) are two of my favorite local weather weenies.)
There is just no way to explain how mundane my life is at times. Not that I like a lot of excitement; in my experience excitement means trouble. I don’t need trouble. But it does make for a rather ordinary life. If anything can be called ordinary these days.
My neighbor called me for computer help today. Seems he was visiting a porn site and, all of a sudden, he gets this page in IE that says all his files have been encrypted… Well, you know how that happens. IE wouldn’t let him go to any other page either. So I went over and checked it out. Deleted all his browsing history and cookies, etc. Seemed to help. We stopped getting that page anyway. Set IE up to where he has to approve any cookie or software/extension installation and told him NOT to approve anything except cnn or yahoo or google. We’ll see how that goes.
It’s 1800 and still only 29 degrees out there. Supposed to get lots colder tonight. I’m living in a place where it’s actually colder than Seattle in the winter and warmer than Seattle in the summer. So, if they say it’s going to be, say, 25 degrees in Seattle, that means it’ll be 19 degrees here. And you can add five degrees to their predictions during the summer.
Found a Milescraft 1206 SignCrafter Signmaking template kit with TurnLock that I’m thinking of getting. May make Ham Call Sign plaques for the MCARC members. Might be a nice Christmas present for the folks.