Finally Some Damn Fine Weather!

I have NO idea what I was doing last Wednesday & Thursday. Wednesday was probably a normal "SWMBO to the Office" day. No, she had to go in Tuesday so she was around Wednesday. And Thursday’s, since Smallville is off season, is pretty much just another regular day to me now. That’ll change when the next season comes on…

Last Friday SWMBO and I went out for Brunch. Then not much of anything until Battlestar Galactica. Damn Good Show!

Saturday, Sunday and Monday were DAMN FINE DAYS around here. Finally! I mean get naked and lay out nice! So I did. AFTER I cut up a lot of wood to start it drying out for winter burning. I cut up (by the end of the 3rd day) about 15 of my truckbed fulls of wood. It’s going to cost more in gas to transport it back to where we’re living than I’m saving in fuel costs. Meaning I could probably buy it from someone down the road cheaper. But I’m going to see if one of my friends will let me use his little dump truck to haul it back to the house.

OTT, not much going on. Since we’ve had to give up our dream of building a Monolithic Dome we’ve been working on the plans for a ’stick’ looking house. I figure we’ll use ICF construction but it will look like a normal stick house for the banks/loaning institutions. SWMBO still wants a mother-in-law apartment downstairs though. Bummer. But, hey, she’ll still be living there 20 years after I die so why not! I’d much prefer to go one-story without the MILA.


This is my latest guesstimate for layout of upstairs… Still have to find a place for the circular stair & dumb waiter. And now SWMBO is talking about another door from the kitchen to outside…

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