Wet & Windy Tonight!

So I expect to lose the power if this keeps up…:grin: I swear, I think sometimes that a bird could land on a wire and fart and we’d lose power out here!

Not much going on. Again. But that’s why y’all tune in, right?

Sunday: Did the first hour of church then went out to the property to work on my Digger. Still have a hydraulic leak. Had to dismantle half the damned superstructure to get to the hoses! Took an hour and a trip into town to buy an extension for my socket set. Just could not reach the last bolt otherwise! Found the problem and tightened up the fitting. Now, if it’s NOT the hose going bad it shouldn’t leak anymore. Hopefully! Was pretty nice (weather wise) out there.

Today was a kind of straighten up my computer and around the house day as it was really too wet to head out. Except for the trip I made to Gorst to give a copy of our old estimates to Ray at McCormick Construction. Stopped by Group Health to get my Rx refilled.

Trying to get all my "stuff" on the computer and several different notebooks and yellow pads organized. Big job! Using a program called SEO Note. Kind of a freeform database/listing of whatever you want to put in it. Works pretty good. I use Essential PIM for ’calendar’ stuff but it’s note taking/keeping ability just hasn’t impressed me. I think because it doesn’t use Tabs and ALL your ’main folders’ are listed. If you have as many ’folders’ as I it’s nice to have them grouped on their own tabs. I have tabs for ’computer’, ’my stuff’, ’news’, ’notes’ and the ’dome’ and have sub-folders (sub-notes) grouped according to what tab they would come under. If E-PIM did something like that I’d probably use it for notes. E-PIM does pretty good as a calendar/schedule/todo (even if their Contacts section sucks!) but I need the notes part also. Ah well. I’ve not found a program that does it all yet. Outlook Pro came pretty close. Wish they’d add some of these functions to Thunderbird!

Still making time-lapse movies and adding music to them. You can check out my latest time-lapse of clouds here (if ya want). I really enjoy Magix Music Maker! Had to sit down and make myself a schedule of what to do when. Think I mentioned this in an earlier post. Well, you’ll be glad to note that I am completely off schedule! That’s me! Consistent to the last! :-P There’s just too damned many things I want to learn or do!

Here’s something you wouldn’t see every day!

When I’m through learning everything I can for the night (which takes about 20 minutes as my brain gets full!) I like to light off FSX and fly around. Thinking of buying the latest X-Plane but have to save up…

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