Wettest March On Record

By 0.07 inch. With Rain predicted for the next week so they’ll be announcing the NEW record each day for the next 3. And it is wet outside. I’ve looked out the window and seen it. Got my truck wet when I went to get the mail. (And I wouldn’t have done that except today is Netflix Day!)


So I put in a half mile on the treadmill and let the Dog be lazy for most of the day. Did my usual chores. Went to the MILA and measured the old range hood. (Noted to myself that the Renters haven’t even begun to pack to get the hell out by Monday. Will probably check on them again tomorrow and give them some words of encouragement.)


Not much else going on. Too damned wet out to get out. Picked SWMBO up as usual and don’t have to do that again until Monday. Cool Beans! Watching Lightning & Thunder video’s on YouTube. About to go hit the rack.

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