Rain. Breeze. Construction.

That was my Saturday.  Cabinet folks are trying to finish up (but I don’t think they’ll actually finish today. Looking good though!


Straightening up all the pictures I have on my “Skydrive.” (Which will be changing it’s name to “OneDrive” or something like that. Got an e-mail about the change but can’t remember what it said. Link to the right.)

Played around with psk31 earlier. 10-meter band had quite a few signals on it. Switched to voice and am listening on different bands. Danged computer keeps dropping the connection to the radio! I’m going to replace the cable and see if that fixes that problem. (I think it will.)


Way too wet to get outside today. Did my “usual” chores to the extent possible what with the mess from emptying everything out of the kitchen getting in the way. Renter is still gone so I can’t deliver her eviction notice.

And, finally, the cabinet people are gone for the day. Getting stormy outside and the lights have flickered a couple of times. Will probably turn my computer(s) off for tonight. (Something I rarely do.)

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