Just Not Feeling Like Posting Often Lately

And I don’t know why. Other than being extraordinairly boring, that is.


Dog and I did think we found a “tripwire” in the woods at the head of Mow Lane yesterday! I notified the Sheriff and they checked it out and let me know that someone was just stringing fishing line out there. He asked me if I checked it out to see if it was connected to anything. Way above my paygrade!

Started raining again today and everything is soaked. Really soaked. No real downpours just steady all damned day.


Had a meteorite blow up over Western WaRshington last night. Lots of people saw the flash since it lit up the horizon. Shook some folks around too. Glad it blew up in the air and not on impact! Cool!

Started fixing up the book cases in the library. One of them anyway. Feels nice to get off my ass.

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