Dang Busy Sunday

Got down in the MILA and did the last of the taping off. Took the front and kitchen doors off (and the little striker plate thingie). Hooked the paint sprayer up, dipped the end in the bucket of paint, and started spraying. Or tried to. Turned out the 515 Reversible tip was missing a part. A Small Part. That, of course, I couldn’t find anywhere.

Madonna in Dick Tracy

So it was a quick trip to ACE Hardware in Belfair where I spent a quick $50 bucks on a new spray thingie with a universal reversible tip. Once I got home and got that hooked up it took only an hour (or so) to paint the kitchen and living room. Not too bad a job if I do say so myself. Looks like I’m going to have to sand down and hand paint the cabinets though; the paint just isn’t sticking well enough for me. They do look good all white though.

I’ve let it all dry a couple of hours now so I went down and put the doors back on. By myself. What a pain! Got’er done though. Tomorrow I’ll go in and take up all the paper, plastic sheeting and painter’s tape and go from there. (Still have the two bedrooms and bathroom to do but need more supplies.)


So, I’m making Pulled Chicken sandwiches and bakes for dinner. Mostly because it’s something I can pretty much not to pay attention to as it cooks. SWMBO is off home teaching one of the Sisters but should be home in time for dinner.

Now to try to get all this paint off my hands!


Damn. Just realized that I haven’t “flown” any of my flight simulators lately. Couple of months now. Gotta fix that!

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