It’s A Regular Tuesday Kind Of Day.

But I really wouldn’t expect it to be otherwise.

MCARC Tuesday 10-meter Chat Net @ 1930 on 28.450 USB.


Ah well. Off to the Post Office.

Devil Girl From Mars

And stop at Safeway to get some milk. (At least I got out of the house!)

When Worlds Collide

Decided to make sort of a “stir-fry” for dinner. Cubed Pork Chops marinated in soy juice and red wine stuff.  Next I’ll fry it in the sauce then add veggies & cabbage and my “secret” sauce and served with some rice (for SWMBO). I’ll let y’all know how it turned out! (It was fairly good, actually.)

Turned out to be a fairly decent day. Sun didn’t really come out until really late afternoon. But I got out on the Digger and finished the ditch out back. So I’m really done with the Digger now. Sad smile

And that’s about it from here…

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