Another Saturday Pretty Much Done…

Pretty normal Saturday for me. Got up early. Went out to the property after SWMBO left for the Genealogy Library. Cut some wood. Loaded it into the truck. Brought it home when I was ready to leave. NICE day! Warm enough for me to take all my clothes off and move some dirt and lay out for awhile. Trying to even out my strange tan! Only top parts of me get tanned ’cause I spend all my time on the digger. Have to get the rest of me tanned before winter (in about 2 weeks!) drops in and it gets too cold to get out.

Just working around the house this evening. Took SWMBO out to dinner so I have only the last several nights dishes to do. Done. Laundry. Done. Listening to "Dirty Jobs" and playing with my Linux virtual drives and still ripping our CD’s. SWMBO said today that she really likes having all her music as mp3 files on one drive. Cool! I really do like making her happy.

And that’s about it. I lead such a boring life!

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